Regular Yogi Details | Patanjali Japan
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Yoga Practice

Details for Yoga Practitioner (Yogi) of PJF

Here is the explanation of yoga classes for the yogis of

Patanjali Japan Foundation (PJF)



  • Best Value (Campaign Price)

    Regular Sewayogi

    For limited members who wants to continue a healthy routine
  • Regular Adiyogi type

    Daily Yoga for everyone.

This is monthly renewal plan and renewed automatically every month

Virtual Workout

Details of Yoga Classes


Available Timings
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (JST) (From September 21st 2021)
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (JST) (From January 4th, 2023)


Monthly Schedule (New Format) Takes some time to load

Weekly Schedule (New Format) Takes some time to load


Terms and Conditions for Yoga Practitioner (Yogi)

  1. Yoga practice is to make yourself healthy and happy. Please do not force yourself to do any movement.

  2. Yoga program by PJF is designed in such a way that if you do not force yourself, you won’t get injured. Please do not force yourself and do not practice certain asana/pranayama if you have any physical condition.

  3. PJF won’t be responsible for any injury caused due to forceful practice.

  4. In any case, monthly membership will not be carry forwarded.

  5. Try to attend daily Yoga classes. Special surprise gifts will be awarded to Kesari Belt Yogis.

  6. Yogi number will be provided to you.

  7. Please consult with our Medical advisor for any health-related issues.

  8. Zoom ID and password will be changed every month. Do not share Zoom ID information to others.

  9. For any exceptions or queries, please contact PJF staff or contact here,

Meditating in Nature

Key Points for Yoga Practice

  1. Key Points for Yogic practice

    1. Yogic practice should be performed in a calm and quiet atmosphere with a relaxed body and mind.

    2. Empty stomach is important for yogic practice. Do not eat 2-4 hours prior to yogic lesson.

    3. Bladder and bowels should be empty before starting Yogic practices

    4. Light and comfortable cotton clothes are preferred to facilitate easy movement of the body.

    5. In case of chronic disease/ pain/ cardiac problems, a physical or a Yoga therapist should be consulted prior to performing Yogic practices. Please consult our medical advisor in this case.

    6. Regular Yoga practice is very essential.

    7. Food may be consumed after 15-20 minutes of practice.

  2. Requirement to join Yoga class

    1. Remote setup (High speed and stable Internet) with zoom installed with zoom account.

    2. Arrange a Yoga mat, towel and water for the lesson

  3. Contact

Monk's Rice

Monthly Fee and Incentives

  1. Monthly Fee

    1. Regular Yogi Type 1 is a monthly membership concept.

    2. Membership is valid for 1 month only.

    3. Renew for next month from 25th to 30th of current month.

    4. Accepted payment methods are credit card transaction and Bank transfer.

    5. Zoom ID and password will be shared after confirmation of payment.

    6. Credit card transaction link (Manually every month):

    7. Click “Book/Renew Now” and pay the fee for 1 month.

    8. Credit card transaction link (Automatic deduction every month until cancelled):

    9. For monthly subscription, you must manually cancel the subscription.

    10. Select “Regular Yogi Type 1” and pay by Credit card.

    11. Monthly fee once paid won’t be refunded.

    12. 100% of our profit would be used for the promotion of health and well-being of Japanese society.

  2. 20% OFF Coupons

    1. We provide total 30 coupons of 20% OFF which can be used at payment page. Depending on the number of yogis, you can use it 1-5 times.

    2. Coupon code is: “IDY2021PJF”

  3. Yogi Incentive (Gohobi)

    1. All regular yogis type 1 can avail yogi incentives at our partner restaurants and shops.

    2. Details here:

  4. Contact

Enroll Now

Regular Yogi Adiyogi Type is a monthly membership concept.

Membership is valid for 1 month only.

Renew for next month from 25th to 30th of this month.

Changed to monthly auto-renewal concept from May 2022.

Starting 14 days is free of charge and payment will be deducted monthly automatically.

  • Best Value

    Regular Adiyogi type

    Daily Yoga for everyone.

This is monthly renewal plan and renewed automatically every month

Get Per Class Ticket

On the special demand of few yogis, we offer per class yoga ticket for limited time.


Plan for auto renewing.

  • Regular Adiyogi type

    Daily Yoga for everyone.
    • Join all daily weekdays yoga sessions
    • Health Councelling
    • Access to Knowledge bank of Patanjali Japan Foundation
    • Free Entry to all events organized by PJF
    • Special gohobi (incentive) and discount yogi coupons
  • Regular Sewayogi

    For limited members who wants to continue a healthy routine
    • Join Unlimited Daily Online Yoga Classes
    • Special discounts for different courses and events
    • Access DEN (in Yamanakako) (Conditions applied)
    • Opportunity to do volunteer work for a healthy society

This is monthly renewal plan and renewed automatically every month

Bike Handles

Patanjali Japan Foundation's Mission

  1. About Patanjali Japan Foundation
    Patanjali Japan Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization in Japan and is a part of Patanjali Family based in Haridwar, Bharat (India).

    PJF's main philosophy is not only to improve overall health and well-being of individuals and the society but also to introduce the true meaning of Yoga which has been practiced in Bharat (India) through ancient times which emphasizes Yoga as a way of life.
    Our mission is to spread the awareness of ancient system of Bhartiye (Indian) Yoga which includes physical, mental and spiritual aspects across the world.
    Here is our website for more details:

  2. Our Concept

    1. Yoga is not a medicine, Yoga is not a pose, Yoga is not sports and Yoga is not a one-time activity.

    2. Yoga is an essential part of our lifestyle. Just like we eat, we take batch, we sleep; same way we practice Yoga

    3. Yoga is a holistic discipline which support us to lead a better and balanced life.

  3. Yogi System
    Yogi system is formulated to manage daily Yoga practice of Yogis. Yogi belt changes every month depending on the number of days a yogi practiced Yoga in a month.

    1. Kesari Belt Yogi: Yogi who practice Yoga for 20 days or more in a month is Kesari Belt Yogi. Kesari or Saffron is a color of Courage and Sacrifice. Sacrificing our desire and move towards higher consciousness.

    2. White Belt Yogi: Yogi who practice Yoga for more than 10 days a month is White Belt Yogi. White is a color of Peace and Truth. A journey started towards "Peace" and "Truth".

    3. Green Belt Yogi: Yogi who practice Yoga for less than 10 days a month is Green Belt Yogi. White is a color of growth and auspiciousness. A journey started towards "Freshness" and "Growth".

  4. Problems we want to solve

    1. Vicious cycle of Daily lifestyle: Everyone is busy in this fast paced daily life and we do not have time to charge up our body, mind and spirit. We provide guidance by our experts, environment and daily time to practice traditional Yoga and get our body, mind and spirit charged up on daily basis.

    2. Essence of Yoga: At present, Yoga is marketed as fancy and difficult poses whereas we provide holistic approach on Yoga which includes, physical, mental and spiritual aspects.

    3. Career path of Yoga Teacher: At present, there is no career path for Yoga teachers. So, we have a proper career plan for Yoga teachers.

  5. Contact

    1. Contact for any query here:

Book of Laws

PJF-Privacy Policy

  1. パタンジャリジャパンファンデーションは皆様のプライバシーの保持を最重要にお取扱いいたします。

  2. Zoom によるすべてのヨガセッションセッションについて

    1. ご参加の方々の名簿を公開いたしません

    2. ご参加の方々の写真を公開いたしません

    3. ご参加の方が写真や動画等の個人情報を公開した場合の責任は負いかねます

  3. オープンラインチャットの取り扱いについて

    1. ご参加の方々の名前や写真を公開いたしません

    2. ご参加の方が写真や動画等の個人情報を公開した場合の責任は負いかねます

  4. その他、国際ヨガの日やインタラクティブセッション等の公開イベントについて

    1. SNS やニュースのポータルで公開放送いたします

      • 二十歳以下の未成年の方々の写真につきましては、前もっての保護者の方々の了承なしに掲載いたしません

      • ご参加の方が写真や動画等の個人情報を公開した場合の責任は負いかねます

  5. ウェブサイトメンバーログインについて

    • 個人アカウントは公開か非公開をお選びいただけます

    • 個人アカウントがプライベートの場合、公開のドメインではシェアされず、検索できないようになっています

    • 個人アカウントが公開の場合、他のユーザー様が検索及びご覧いたけるようになっています

  6. プライベートポリシー詳細は下記のウェブサイト内リンクをご参照下さい




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