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Yoga For PCOS - Interactive Session 19th September 2021


Finally the most demanding webinar, how to cure PCOS by yoga has been conducted on the 19th September 2021. Below we have provided the complete link of the interactive session.

PCOS Webinar Includes:

  • PCOS Overview and Health Risks

  • PCOS and Nutrition

  • Exercise and Lifestyle Factors for PCOS

  • Mental Health and PCOS

  • PCOS Treatment and Fertility

  • QnA Session

Introduction & August 2021 Activity Report

On huge demand of our audience we have conducted the Yoga for PCOS interactive session.

In August, a total number of 84 unique Yogis participated in morning sessions which included 5 'Kesari'/Saffron belt Yogis, 13 'Shwet'/White belt Yogis and 66 'Hari'/Green belt Yogis.

Explanation of Yoga For PCOS

Sara sensei and Dhanashree sensei explain the easy yoga poses to cure the PCOS almost completely. According to a recent study, practicing yoga may help women with PCOS reduce testosterone levels and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Our participants who attended a one-hour yoga class three times a week for three months reduced testosterone levels by 29%.

Modern science has also begun to recognize the growing importance of yoga and meditation in the treatment of a variety of lifestyle disorders such as diabetes and PCOS. Doctors now recommend a few minutes of pranayama and meditation practice to their PCOS patients in addition to prescribing medication.

Some Amazing Facts About PCOS You Should Know

Although the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, there are treatment options available. You can choose to do something about it with yoga and a natural, holistic way of life. However, in order to reap the benefits of your practice, you must be consistent with it.

And the good news is that the number of benefits you reap is directly proportional to how hard you work at your yoga practice. So, even if you put in a little effort at first, it will pay off!

All you need is a long and consistent yoga practice to stop worrying about PCOS.

QnA Session - Yoga For PCOS Webinar

Below we are mentioning a few common questions which was asked by the participants in the webinar

  1. How yoga treats PCOS?

  2. It was one of the masterpiece webinar. I was suffering from PCOS since last 4 years. After attending this webinar, It boosts my confidence that I can fight with the PCOS. Please let me know when I can join a regular yoga program.

  3. Hello everyone, from the last 2 months suddenly I am getting fatty. Also I am getting skin rashes and hair fall in a big amount. Are these the symptoms of PCOS, If yes, what diet plan and yoga will help me to get rid of this.

  4. How many women are affected by PCOS? How do they get to know about PCOS, Is there any basic symptoms that we should be aware of ?

  5. I have now question, i am just here to share my experience with you.I have also suffered from PCOS since I was 14, Now I am 24. I joined the special yoga program for PCOS. It was really helpful. Most of the symptoms of PCOS have gone. I will suggest everyone to chooseyoga as a daily routine. This is going to be really helpful to cure PCOS. Thanks

To get all the answers you should check our complete video of this webinar.

Our Next Webinar - Yoga For Backpain

You can also get tickets for our next interactive session - Yoga For Back Pain - Book Now

Collaboration with the Yoga for Unity (Online Morning Yoga)

We have collaborated with the Yoga for Unity team. Our Daily Stress Management Pranayama Session Without Any Registration Free of Cost is also telecasted live on Yoga For Unity YouTube channel.

Check complete playlist here: Complete Playlist (Yoga For Unity)

Regular Yoga Session (Monday - Friday) Daily Evening

We are also conducting daily regular yoga classes for all problems like stress management, back pain, knee pain, neck pain, PCOS, weight gain/loss, smooth and healthy skin & much more...

New Announcement: Daily Regular yoga classes will be conducted from 08:00 PM JST (Monday - Friday) till next official update.

If you wish to take regular yoga classes at your own time, Please coordinate with our team.

👉 You Can Apply For Live Yoga Classes - Live Yoga Classes Onlineオンラインヨガクラス


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