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50th Monthly Live and Interactive Session - Yoga For Kids And Students



Press Release

Tokyo, Japan, August 18 2024 – Patanjali Japan Foundation successfully conducted their 50th live and interactive session.

This August interactive session is based on “Yoga for Kids and Students." This session was live telecasted on YouTube along with the zoom.

Greetings and Announcements

The session started with the greeting and announcements by Luly san. She welcomed all the yogis and introduced our guest teachers, Varada Sensei and Genboku Sensei, to the audience. She also explained our privacy policies, terms and conditions, and our social media handles to our attendees.

Activity and Summary

Luly San walks us through the recent events, the International Day of Yoga 2024 series of yoga events at multiple prime locations in Japan. During IDY PJF received more than 400+ attendees and various multiple brand collaborations, supports, and sponsorships. 

Also, PJF is receiving good media coverage by various media channels:

  • Sannichi Shinbun, Yamanashi

  • Shinmikawa Shinbun, Aichi

  • YBS, Yamanashi 

  • FMFUJI, Yamanashi

  • TBS, Tokyo

Patanjali Japan Foundation received various good feedback, reviews, and appreciation by the attendees and yogis during the IDY events.

PJF is also going to conduct the International Day of Yoga 2025 in the upcoming year. Our planned locations are Mount Fuji Yamanakako & Koto Ku-Fukagawa Elementory School.

After the IDY 2024, PJF held a heartfelt gathering in the remembrance of our beloved yoga teacher, Dhanashree Sensei, at Funabori. Luly San introduced the one-year routine yoga challenge for IDY 2025. The maximum number of class attendees, or the maximum number of days of yoga practice, will be the winner of this challenge.

On the huge demand of our yogis and attendees, PJF is going to launch YCB Foundation Course of 6 months for students to get prepared for the YCB exam. The course will start on 5th October 2024 to 29th March 2025.

Yoga For Kids and Students Live and Interactive Session

After the activity and summary, Genboku sensei introduced the famous book for the students, known as “AAO YOG SIKHE HUM”. This book is the part of the syllabus of children in Bharat.

Varada sensei discussed the importance of yoga in the education of students. Yoga should be added to children's education because it promotes physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional balance. It helps kids develop focus, reduce stress, and improve self-discipline. Integrating yoga into education builds a foundation for lifelong well-being and a healthier mindset.

Yama and Niyama, the ethical and moral principles of yoga, along with a natural environment, play a crucial role in students' growth. Yama (restraints) teaches values like non-violence, truthfulness, and self-control, guiding students in their interactions with others. Niyama (observances) encourages self-discipline, contentment, and self-study, fostering personal growth and inner stability.

When practiced in a natural environment, these principles enhance the connection with nature, promoting mindfulness, creativity, and mental peace. This holistic approach helps students develop a balanced lifestyle, build resilience, and nurture both academic and personal success.

Zoom Breakout Room Discussion

The "Zoom Breakout Room Discussion" during the webinar likely involved dividing participants into smaller groups for focused discussions. This method allows for more personalized conversations, active engagement, and in-depth exploration of topics, as participants can share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn from each other's perspectives.

What’s Next

After the success of Yoga for Students and Kids, Patanjali Japan Foundation is going to conduct 

Yoga for Headache and Migraince at 22nd September 2024


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