Yoga Detox – 8 Easy Yoga Poses to Detox Your Complete Body
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Yoga Detox – 8 Easy Yoga Poses to Detox Your Complete Body



We're about to enter the season of overindulgence, and you might be considering detoxing afterwards. To detox your body after the holidays, you don't need to live on celery juice for a week or go on a crazy cabbage diet.

Yoga Detox – 8 Easy Yoga Poses to Detox Your Complete Body

A good yoga routine can also assist you in detoxing your body and mind. We can help our bodies eliminate unwanted impurities such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and lymphatic fluid by practising yoga on a daily basis, allowing blood to flow to the organs.

You don't have a set routine? Now is the ideal time to get started! Do these simple yoga poses whenever you feel the need for a mini detox. These positions will improve your digestion, increase your strength and flexibility, and leave you feeling brand new.

Easy Yoga Poses To Detox Your Complete Body

  1. Downward Facing Dog (Adhomukha Swanasana )

  2. Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog

  3. Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

  4. Seated Twist

  5. Wide Leg Forward Fold

  6. Boat Pose

  7. Bound Headstand

  8. Resolved Triangle Position

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

1. Downward Facing Dog (Adhomukha Swanasana ) For Detox Your Body

An example of an inversion movement is Downward Dog. Your heart is higher than your head. Inversions cause blood to flow in a different direction, rinsing out lymph nodes.

  1. Tuck the toes under, press into the hands, and begin to lift the hips up towards the ceiling from the table position.

  2. Spread your fingers wide apart, middle finger forward, and palms shoulder-width apart. Extend your fingers and the edges of your hands.

  3. Push the hips up and back, bringing the chest closer to the thighs. To keep the spine straight and long, lift up through the tailbone.

  4. Place your feet hip-width apart, with your toes facing forward. Press the heels into the floor until you feel a deep stretch in the back of your legs. Your legs are straight, but you can bend them slightly at the knees to keep your back flat.

  5. Look up at the belly button or let the head and neck hang freely from the shoulders.

  6. Hold your breath for 4-8 breaths.

  7. Bend the knees and lower the hips back to Table position, or come all the way down to Child pose, to release.

Precautions For Downward Facing Dog

Those with stiff or weak back muscles, tight hamstrings, sciatica, or knee problems should ease into and out of Downward Facing Dog, keeping the knees bent and the back straight.

2. Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog

This yoga pose helps you mentally detoxify and stimulates the release of stress, sadness, depression, and fear.

  1. Extend your hands and tilt your head inward, below your heart. Extend your hips and legs outward.

  2. Lift your left leg into the air, as we did for the downward dog pose, and take a few deep breaths.

  3. Rep the breathing exercise with your right leg in the air. Repeat 5 times with each leg.

Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog

Precautions For Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog

This pose is not recommended if you have high blood pressure or glaucoma because it involves inversion. It should also be avoided if you have a wrist, ankle, or shoulder injury. It is best avoided during the third trimester of pregnancy.

3. Eagle Pose (Garudasana) For Blood Purification

The eagle pose promotes circulation and helps to remove toxins from the bloodstream and lymphatics. It stretches the ankle, elbow, knee, and hip joints as well.

Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

  1. Begin by standing tall, with your legs close together and your arms at your sides.

  2. Draw your right foot up, pressing it against your left leg. Wrap your right foot around your left leg just above the ankle and bend both knees so the inside of your right thigh rests on the inside of your left thigh.

  3. Lean forward and cross your right arm over your left arm, with your elbows locked. Inhale deeply while keeping your hands together as if clapping. Hold the pose as long as you can inhale and then exhale.

  4. Return to a standing position with your legs together and repeat the pose, but this time with your left foot wrapped around your right leg and your left arm rolled onto your right arm.

Precautions For Eagle Pose

If you have recently injured your knee, ankle, or shoulder, avoid practising Garudasana.

Eagle pose should not be attempted if you have any of the following conditions: Obesity, headaches on a regular basis, high or low blood pressure, or asthma.

4. Seated Twist

It's common to associate twisting postures with detoxification. Any kind of compression and gentle movement in the torso will help get things moving in the digestive system. The more we assist our digestive system in moving waste and toxins through the intestines, the better our detoxification will be.

Seated Twist

  1. To ensure a long spine, sit flat on your bottom with your tush behind you.

  2. Lengthen up through the top of your head while keeping your feet together.

  3. As you twist your chest open to the right, place your right hand on the mat behind you, either on your fingertips or with a flat palm, and hug your knees or hook your elbow to the outside of your right knee.

  4. Maintain a firm grip on both glutes. The twist should occur in the upper torso rather than the sacrum.

  5. Hold for at least 5 breaths, lengthening up on the inhale and deepening the twist on the exhale.

Precautions For Seated Twist

After practising forward and backward bending yoga poses, perform the Half Spinal Twist. You should not twist or overstretch your torso because you will strain the muscles. If you have sciatica or a slipped disc, avoid Ardha Matsyendrasana.

5. Wide Leg Forward Fold For Detox Your Digestion System

5. Wide Leg Forward Fold For Detox Your Digestion System

The wide-legged forward bend improves circulation by lowering the head below the heart. The position also aids digestion.

  1. Step your feet approximately one leg length apart! Your feet's outer edges should be parallel to the edge of your mat.

  2. As you inhale, place your hands on your hips and reach your crown of your head upwards.

  3. On the exhale, fold forward with the hands on the hips, under your shoulders on the mat, or on blocks, keeping the back long and strong.

  4. Continue here, or walk your hands back so that your fingertips line up with your toes, and bend your elbows, stacking them over your wrists.

  5. To stabilize your foundation, relax and release the entire back body while keeping the kneecaps lifted.

  6. Stay for 5 breaths, then take your hands back to your hips to come up out of the pose with a long spine.

Precautions For Wide Leg Forward Fold

Slip your pinky sides up your back as high as you can, ideally between your shoulder blades. Roll your shoulders back and lift your chest, pressing your pinkies into your spine deeply. Finally, exhale into your forward bend and place your head near or on the floor.

6. Boat Pose To Detox Your Lower Back System

The boat pose helps to tone and strengthen your abdomen, hip flexors, and spine. It also stimulates the kidneys, thyroid, and intestines, which can aid in stress relief and digestion.

Boat pose

  1. Sit with your knees bent and your spine drawn back to touch the ground.

  2. Stretch your legs outward once you've reached this position.

  3. Pull your upper body all the way down to your feet. Continue to try until you achieve the boat pose.

  4. Hold this position for 20 seconds before letting go of your legs. Try it five times.

Precautions For Boat Pose

Excessive straining of the body may result in back pain or injury.

Avoid doing this asana during your period, or at least the first two days of each month's menstrual cycle.

7. Bound Headstand To Detox Your Lungs

Toxins in the circulatory and lymphatic systems are removed by the Bound Headstand. This pose is typically held for 7 breaths or longer, and taking deep breaths helps to clear carbon dioxide from the lungs.

 Bound Headstand

  1. From a tabletop position, clasp your fingers to form a nest on the floor for the top of your head, then place your head in the clasp.

  2. Straighten your legs and bring your feet closer to your head. Bend your knees and begin to lift your legs off the floor using your abdominals once your body weight has been removed from your legs.

  3. Straighten your legs, keeping control from the top of your head through your core and out through your toes.

  4. Hold this pose for 7-10 deep breaths before slowly bending your knees and descending in the same controlled manner as you came up.

Precautions For Bound Headstand

In addition to their numerous benefits, headstands can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain or injury. To do it safely, you must take certain precautions. This necessitates the required strength, alignment, and flexibility.

8. Resolved Triangle Position

This pose stretches and opens the chest, lungs, shoulders, and spine, resulting in increased lung capacity. The resolved triangle position stimulates abdominal organs, aides digestion and circulation, relieves stress and anxiety, and energises the body and mind.

Resolved Triangle Position

  1. Begin by lunging forward with your right foot. Straighten your front leg and place your heel on the ground by hopping your back foot in.

  2. Place your left hand on the floor or a block, inside your right foot. Place your right hand on your right hip and push your right hip back.

  3. Turn your torso toward your right leg after extending your head forward.

  4. Raise your right arm to the ceiling.

  5. Continue to dig down through your left heel.

  6. You have the option of looking up at the ceiling.

  7. Hold for 5-10 breaths before returning to the lunge. Rep on the opposite side.

Precautions For Resolved Triangle Position

If you have a back, neck, hip, or shoulder injury, avoid this pose. If you have a headache or migraine, you should avoid it.

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Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

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