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Professional Yoga Certification Exam Held in Tokyo 2023 by Yoga Organization of Japan


Press Release

December 3rd, 2023 Tokyo: Japan witnessed a significant milestone in the field of Yoga as the Professional Yoga Certification Exam was conducted successfully. The event, held in Tokyo on 3rd December 2023, showcased the dedication and proficiency of aspiring yoga practitioners.

Renowned Yoga expert, Ashutosh Sensei (Chief Sewa Offer & Representative Director of Patanjali Japan Foundation), played a pivotal role as an examiner, contributing to the high standards and success of the certification process.

The professional yoga certification exam conducted by the Yoga Organization of Japan. This certification is provided by Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH Government of Bharat (India). The rigorous examination process evaluates participants on various aspects, including theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the ability to impart Yoga teachings effectively.

The examination covered a comprehensive range of Yoga practices, philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodologies. Participants demonstrated their proficiency in diverse Yoga styles, showcasing a deep understanding of the holistic principles that govern this ancient discipline.

Ashutosh Sensei, reflecting on the experience, shared, "It is heartening to see the commitment of individuals towards advancing their knowledge and practice of Yoga. The certification exam is a commendable initiative that contributes to the professionalization of Yoga instruction, aligning with its transformative potential”.

101 Days Daily Pranayama Challenge

In the journey of commitment and self-improvement, reaching 1000 days is an achievement worth celebrating of daily morning pranayama. It’s a testament to perseverance and dedication. To honor this milestone, and with the aspiration to reach 1111 days, we are going to introduce a special 101-day daily pranayama practice.

Join us for an enlightening journey into the world of Pranayama, the ancient art of breath control and conscious breathing. In our “Planning 101 Days of Daily Pranayama” (31st October to 14th March 2024) event, we will practice together through the steps to establish a sustainable and transformative daily Pranayama practice.

Also you can join our Sewayogi program in 1980 YEN, it includes the more than 80+ classes in month on various yoga styles.



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