Press Release
Tokyo, Japan March 20, 2022 - Patanjali Japan Foundation (PJF) successfully conducted Why You Should Try Yoga - How is It helpful For Physical and Mental Health - Live & Interactive Session. It includes the various frequently asked questions and doubts which people have before starting their yoga journey and in the middle of their yoga journey.
Also this live and interactive session was telecasted on the internet by Zoom platform & Facebook Live.
The session was presented by Mr. Ashutosh Sensei (Chief Sewa Officer, PJF). and headed by Sara Sensei, Dhanashree Sensei & Bala Ji San (Regular Yogi).
Most Asked And On Demand Questions in Webinar Are:
What is Yoga and why is it important?
What is the best season to start yoga?
What is the best time to practice yoga (asana, pranayama, dhyana)?
Sandhya kaal (before sunrise and after sunset)
How can yoga improve the concentration, productivity?
How to become regular in yoga practice?
How do you motivate yourself to practice daily?
How to overcome laziness?
Basic rules (principles) which we need to take care of while practicing yoga
Empty stomach, clear place, body, focus on breathing... etc
What is the difference between exercise and yoga practice?
Why yoga instructors are important? Why can’t we watch YouTube videos and practice yoga?
What type of techniques can be helpful in Pollen allergy?
How can yoga help in stress related problems? & So on...
In order to get all the answers you can also check out our video below:
Why Yoga Is Important & Why We Should Include This in Our Lifestyle?
Yoga is beneficial to both physical and mental wellness for people of all ages. And, if you're suffering from an illness, recuperating from surgery, or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an important part of your treatment and potentially expedite your recovery.
Below I am mentioning a few reasons that will definitely help you to understand why yoga !
Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
Yoga helps with back pain relief.
Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms.
Yoga benefits heart health.
Yoga relaxes you, to help you sleep better.
Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods.
Yoga helps you manage stress.
Yoga connects you with a supportive community.
Yoga promotes better self-care.
Thank you very much to all the team for putting up your full efforts to make this event successful.
We have completed successfully 500+ of online morning yoga program without any delay or any gap.
In February, we had 85 regular morning yogi's in stress management program, where:
8 are kesari belt yogi, 16 are white belt yogi, & 61 are green belt yogis.
Apply For Live Yoga Classes - Live Yoga Classes Online オンラインヨガクラス
Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.