Press Release

Tokyo, Japan February 20, 2022 - Patanjali Japan Foundation (PJF) successfully conducted Suryanamaskar -2 Win Morning To WIN Your Day - Live & Interactive Session. It includes the suryanamaskar practice, brahma muhurt & suryanamaskar panel discussion about the benefits after that the the valuable feedback from our yogis.
Also this session was telecasted on the internet by Zoom platform & Facebook Live.
The session was presented by Mr. Ashutosh Sensei (Chief Sewa Officer, PJF). and headed by Sara Sensei & Suhani Sensei.
Surya Namaskar practice increases the size of your solar plexus, which increases your creativity, intuitive abilities, decision-making, leadership skills, and confidence.
We also have uploaded the complete video of this webinar on our YouTube channel.
As you all knows we was also conducting the 75 cr suryanamaskar program on the occasion of 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence, we were celebrating as "azadi ka amrit mahotsav" by executing 750 Millions rounds of Suryanamaskar from January 1st to February 20th 2022 all over the world.
This is official attempt for Gunnies book of world record. The condition is to practice suryanamaskar for minimum 21 days and 13 rounds each day.
75 cr suryanamaskar program conducted successfully with the help of our experts and yogis.
In Suryanamaskar program we have completed the total round of 35,325 in 50 days with 236 attendees, & our best yogis are :
Maki Hamasato - 1,339 rounds
Eriko Ono - 1,287 rounds
Tomoko Suzuki - 1,274 rounds
Yoko Kamita - 1,261 rounds
Junko Hoka - 962 rounds
On the 51st Day of Suryanamaskar program we have done more than 600 rounds of suryanamskar (Sun salutation). Overall it was an amazing experience for everyone to be the part of the wonderful journey.
For more details about this event you can check our complete slide show below:
We also got good and valuable reviews by our yogis and attendees in this webinar. You can check the complete details below in the testimonial videos:
Thank you very much to all the team for putting up your full efforts to make this event successful.
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Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.