Press Release

Tokyo, Japan January 23, 2022 - Patanjali Japan Foundation (PJF) successfully conducted Suryanamaskar session its explanation and benefits was the main topic of 1st edition of Monthly Interactive Session for this year at Vedic Cultural Center Funabori, Tokyo Japan.
Also this session was telecasted on the internet by Zoom platform & Facebook Live.
The session was presented by Mr. Ashutosh Sensei (Chief Sewa Officer, PJF). and headed by Sara Sensei, Suhani Sensei & Dhanashree Sensei.

Patanjali Japan Foundation's webinar is completely focused on the win morning to win your day- by doing Suryanamaskar. During the demonstration Sara Sensei & Suhani Sensei displayed several the several benefits of Surya namaskar along with that demonstration.
After that Dhanashree sensei answered all the queries and questions of our attendees.
"Surya Namaskar is a yoga salutation to the Sun that expresses gratitude and love for the life-giving energy that it provides. The sun is a symbol of energy, power, and vitality. Because the Surya Nadi, or Sun Channel, runs along the right side, the Surya Namaskar is performed with the right leg first. Surya Namaskar, also known as the Sun Salutation, is best performed in the early morning before sunrise."
As we know Surya Namaskar, when performed correctly and at the right time, has the potential to completely transform your life. It may take a little longer to see results, but your skin will soon be detoxed like never before.
Surya Namaskar practice increases the size of your solar plexus, which increases your creativity, intuitive abilities, decision-making, leadership skills, and confidence.
We also have uploaded the complete video of this webinar on our YouTube channel.
This was the Interactive session which was conducted physically by PJF team and all norms of COVID 19 preventive measures were followed.
Monthly Interactive session is conducted every month on 3rd/4th Sunday at 10:00 AM Japan time. This was the 20th monthly Interactive session conducted successfully.
FAQ Asked During Interactive Session
How can I participate in the 75 crore Surya Namaskar project ?
Is it compulsory to perform Surya Namaskar in the morning only?
What if I wish to perform more than 13 Surya Namaskar everyday?
Thanks for the amazing session. Win your morning to win your day?
You should check our complete video in order to get all the answers of all the question .
One milestone is completed successfully now next milestone will be Sankalp Purti Diwas where we will celebrate the last day of this event.
750 millions suryanamaskar program is already going very well helping thousands of peoples to energize their day & much more.

If you've ever wondered how you can improve your physical and mental health through surya namaskar, then these upcoming sessions can provide you with detailed information. Let's get ready to be part of the 750 million surya namaskar family.
Registration Now-
Thank you very much to all the team for putting up your full efforts to make this event successful.