Press Release
September 2024 is one of the great months for all of us. Reached a new milestone!
We have launched our "Lifestyle Manual," the first product in the world where you can design your lifestyle based on the ancient science of Ayurveda and Yoga. Designing a lifestyle manual is one thing, but implementing the best practices in your daily routine is challenging. Our daily routine program gives you hand-holding support from our experts in yoga and Ayurveda.

How do we design our “Lifestyle Manual”?
We check your attendance daily, provide regular counseling, and update the program based on your needs at that particular time. Everything is done with empathy by real humans with real and positive emotions.
It is a complete package of physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and social health and wellbeing. We provide hand-holding support in the holistic journey towards your life goal.
A Better Lifestyle
Our original brand (A Better Lifestyle) yoga rugs made of natural raw materials received a great response from our customers. Their happy and smiley faces gave us immense satisfaction and the feeling of contributing to the health and wellbeing of society. It motivates us to go one step further to improve our esteemed customers' lifestyles.
100% of the visitors at our booth gave great positive feedback on our product. It is the real treasure from Bharat's heart for Japan's heart. Each thread of the yoga rugs were stitched with care by our craftsman, who understand the power of positive energy—made by happy people and transferring positive vibes to our customers.
Many visitors bought more than two or three varieties of our ruga. which they gave as gifts to themselves, their family, and their friends!
Most yoga rugs were sold out, so we had to prepare a full pre-order form for the users. We are delighted to provide our customers with a natural product that promotes their health and contributes to Mother Earth's health. This emphasis on health and sustainability shows our care for our customers and the environment.
Healthy Routine Program on the Stage of Namaste India
It was a great experience for us and our audience. This 15-minute pranayama special yoga program was designed for an audience that can practice pranayama while sitting at a desk. Everyone can experience yoga's real experience and essence while practicing in a pleasant environment.
The silver triangle, named by Ashutosh sensei, includes Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, and Bhramri. This silver triangle helps you to be in the state of dhyana, also known as meditation in this modern world. Dhyana is the true essence of yoga, where you can communicate directly with your breath and yourself.
The program was so lovely that Ashutosh Sensei was requested to return to the stage and continue for five more minutes.
Satisfied customers!
Many people visited our booth, which got crowded many times. Visitors took long rests on our "A Better Lifestyle" branded yoga rugs and refreshed again. Many people returned multiple times and enjoyed the positive vibration at our booth.
With this positive energy, we are ready to take the next step and provide a complete package to our esteemed customers! We are deeply grateful for your support and enthusiasm.
We're excited to announce that we'll launch our E-Commerce website on November 23, 2024. The first shipments for orders placed after this date will commence on Dec. 26, 2024, in line with the auspicious days in Japan.
So, those who have already ordered, please wait, and those who have not yet ordered can order your favorite yoga rugs here:
Order Form:
Special discount until we launch the E-Commerce website (Nov. 6, 2024)
Payment links below:
ABL0001 Sambu Yoga Rugサンブーヨーガマット
Payment link:
ABL0002 Banana Fiber Yoga Rugバナナファイバーヨーガマット
Payment link:
ABL0003 Cotton Yoga Rugコットンヨーガマット
Payment link:
ABL0004 Meditation Rugベチバーメディテーションマット
Payment link:
ABL0005 Yoga Mat Bag ヨーガバッグ
Payment link:
ABL0006 Yoga Strap ヨーガストラップ
Payment link: