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一般社団法人Patanjali Japan Foundation Official Launch October 5, 2022 Vijay Dashmi


Press Release

October 24, 2022 Kanagawa, Japan

Namaste, Good morning and Ohayou gozaimasu!

Happy Diwali, the festival of lights to welcome our beloved and respected King Shri Rama who returned with his wife Sita Mata Ji and younger brother Shri Lakshman Ji after 14 years of exile.

With the blessings and inspiration from our gurus, especially Param Pujaye Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and our mentor Dr. Jaydeep Arya Ji, today on this auspicious day of Diwali, we are blessed to announce our organization as a legal entity in Japan named "一般社団法人Patanjali Japan Foundation"

Our official date of establishment of "一般社団法人Patanjali Japan Foundation." is October 5th, the day of Vijay Dashami, the festival celebrating the victory of virtue over evil.

What can be the best day to establish Patanjali Japan Foundation? The victory day of truth over evil.

Furthermore, 2022 marks the 75th anniversary of Indian independence, Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. 70 years of diplomatic relations between India and Japan, and we are fortunate to have established our organization this year.

I, Ashutosh Singh (Chief Sewa Officer and Representative Director), and Smt. Dhanashree Date, Director is very excited to announce our organization's legal establishment as NPO in Japan.

Dhanashree Sensei is promoting a yogic lifestyle in Japan for more than a decade, and we together conducted the first International Day of Yoga event in 2015 in Japan with many volunteers as one team.

Our Journey So Far:

It took more than seven years to reach this step of the formal establishment of the organization. It is due to the effort of all sewaks (volunteers) who put their time and energy into building this organization.

I thank all our team members, yogis, teachers, and well-wishers for your efforts and blessings in making this happen.

We started our journey on May 16, 2014, with the purpose of Yoga and Ayurveda promotion in Japan and conducted numerous yoga events like International Day of Yoga, Namaste India, Setagaya International Messe, Tokyo, Hida, Onagawa, Hokkaido, Embassy of India, Tokyo, Top of Mount Fuji and many more.

While promoting yoga at these events, we found that yoga is quite popular in Japan, but something is missing. We are working tirelessly to fill that gap to address that missing part.

In our current lifestyle, most of us are stressed due to the vicious cycle of our daily routine. We hardly get time for self-introspection and think about our goals and ambitions, strengths and weaknesses, and family and friends. It leads to cutting off from society and affecting our overall health, not only physical but mental and spiritual.

We want everybody to be healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Yoga answers all the problems we face in our daily routine. Still, in the present era, yoga is marketed as an expensive sport for the rich, limited to physical stretching and a one-time non-regular event. As a result, the true essence of yoga is underutilized. Either it is physical exercise or a religious cult.

Our Mission

We want to make yoga a daily routine, just like eating, taking a bath, and sleeping. We practice yoga. It is and should be a holistic discipline that supports us to lead a better and balanced life. A better lifestyle!

That is our vision statement:

"a better lifestyle"


"जीवनशैली की उन्नति"

Our Mission is to Spread awareness of the ancient system of Bhartiye (Indian) Yoga which includes physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, to all corners of the world.

Original Mission statement

भारत के वास्तविक योग के प्रचार और प्रसार के माध्यम से जापान और विश्व में सभी को शारीरिक, मानसिक और आत्मिक रूप से स्वस्थ रखना।

Yoga is our organization's first and foundation step to move forward.

Our approach is scientific and evidence-based.

Three steps approach to achieve our goals.

  1. Regular yoga practice

  2. Share and promote yoga knowledge scientifically and philosophically

  3. Create and empower teachers of yoga

As most know, yoga teachers have no career plan or growth. Therefore, we have designed a career plan for yoga teachers to provide a sustainable career to yoga teachers, which provides their ikigai (purpose of life).

We want to eradicate stress, depression, and suicide from Japanese society with the power of a daily yoga yogic lifestyle.

I trust the power of yoga and believe that together we all can achieve this impossible-looking goal.

Our Brand Concept is "KNOWLEDGE."

Whatever the development in this world is happening, it's because of Knowledge.

And it's very important to create Knowledge and preserve it in its original form.

Not only to preserve it but also to utilize it in the continuously changing era.

Our organization's brand is "Knowledge."

Let's learn and practice the ancient Knowledge of yoga and unite our bodies and mind.

Our Policy is "Unite and Grow."

We all have some power, some skill, and some strength. It gives exponential results when we synergize our energy, strength, and skills for a common goal. It opens the door for tremendous growth and self-satisfaction.

So, we respect each other's skills, power, and strength and support their weaknesses with our strengths and abilities. That way, it makes us grow and united always!

Our core values are Integrity, Insight, and Transparency.

I invite you all on this beautiful journey to empower the lifestyle of ourselves, our families, friends, colleagues, and everybody around us.

Let's make a healthy and happy society together.

Happy Diwali!

Arigatou gozaimasu

Thank you

October 24, 2022

Ashutosh Singh

Chief Sewa Officer (Representative Director)

一般社団法人Patanjali Japan Foundation



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