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How to Use Yoga to Enhance Sex and Sexual Health



In today's modern society, the new-age man has candid, outspoken discussions about physical fitness, grooming trends, and even mental health, but the topic of sexual wellness remains somewhat embarrassing.

And, while people may not admit to their shortcomings in bed, statistics show that erectile dysfunction, abbreviated as ED, is the most common sex-related issue encountered by the majority of the male population.

How to Use Yoga to Enhance Sex and Sexual Health

Yoga Relaxes the Body and Mind

One of the most beneficial aspects of yoga, particularly for women, is that it lowers stress levels, which can help to keep sexual arousal at bay. “Men have sex to relax, but women must be relaxed to have sex,” says Anita Sadaty, MD, a gynecologists' in Roslyn, New York, quoting a friend.

Yoga, as a moving meditation, helps calm the body and mind, according to Dr. Sadaty. “Female sexual interest is rooted partly in their hormonal balance but, more importantly, in the level of their stress hormone balance,” she says, adding that lowering stress hormones “opens the door for more sexual thoughts and desire to come in.”

Study Shows That Yoga Helps Reduce Premature Ejaculation

Although there have been few studies on the effects of yoga on sex, one small study involving 68 men with premature ejaculation (PE) published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine yielded intriguing results. This study compared men with PE who were taking a common drug treatment, Prozac (fluoxetine), to those who began a consistent yoga practice.

Researchers concluded that “yoga appears to be a feasible, safe, effective, and acceptable nonpharmacological option for PE” after both groups experienced statistically significant improvements in their PE.

A Look at Arousal, Desire, Lubrication, Satisfaction, and More

At the start and end of the 12-week Programme, the women completed a sexual-function questionnaire. After practicing yoga, the average scores for desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, lower pain, and overall satisfaction improved.

Almost two-thirds of the women said they were more satisfied with their sexual lives, with the greatest improvements in arousal and lubrication occurring in women over the age of 45.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

Brilliant Yoga Poses To Remedy ED And Boost Sex Drive In Men & Women:

1. Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

Lie flat on the ground with your stomach in contact with the ground. Place both hands on either side of the face, near the brow and ears, palms down and fingers close together. Raise both feet at the same time, keeping the tips of your toes on the ground.

Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

Inhale deeply and lift the upper body, including the torso, hips, and thighs, to a comfortable height from the ground, using the momentum of both hands. Maintain a plank-like posture with the feet parallel to the floor for 30 to 60 seconds, then exhale and slowly return to the ground.

Precautions for Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

Maintain normal breathing while keeping the body and spine straight. While holding the stance, many people experience sagging shoulders or chest. This should be avoided at all costs. At the same time, the position should not include any curving of the shoulders or back.

2. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Lie down flat on the ground with your stomach facing down. Place both legs a few inches apart and keep the arms by your sides. Exhale and raise the knees, bringing them closer to the body and holding them tight with both hands.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Slowly inhale and raise your torso and chest off the ground. Bring both legs closer to the raised torso, look straight ahead with both eyes, and hold this position for up to 30 seconds. Then slowly exhale and return to a flat position on the floor.

Precautions for Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

  • If you have a neck or lower back injury, avoid this asana.

  • If you've just had abdominal surgery, you shouldn't do this asana.

  • If you have high blood pressure, ulcers, migraines, headaches, or a hernia, you should avoid this asana.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

3. Uttanapadasana (Raised Leg Pose)

Begin by lying flat on your back with your back to the ground. Keep both hands by the sides of the body and both feet together.

Deeply inhale and simultaneously lift both legs off the ground. Lift it to a 30-degree angle from the floor and bring it back to the surface, then raise the height to 60 degrees, back down, and finally 90 degrees. Hold this pose for 20 seconds, then exhale and gently relax your body back to the starting position of lying flat on your back.

Precautions for Uttanapadasana (Raised Leg Pose)

  • If you have a stomach injury or pain, you should avoid this pose.

  • If you're pregnant or on your period, don't try this stance.

  • If you have high blood pressure or a slipped disc, you should avoid doing the position.

4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Sit on the floor on a flat, even surface. Stretch both legs fully forward, feet pointing directly upwards. Deeply inhale and raise both arms above your head.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Then, while maintaining a comfortable spine posture, exhale and curve the body forwards to try to touch the knees. With both hands, grasp the big toes with the thumb and index finger. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then gradually release your hands, lift your torso, and return to your seated position.

Precautions for Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

If you have an injury to your hips, hamstrings, lower back, or shoulders, modify this pose. Don't put too much pressure on yourself in this position. If you're too tight to do many bends, do what you can without hurting yourself. On a full stomach, this pose may be uncomfortable since it compresses the abdomen.

5. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Begin by lying flat on the ground with your back to the ground. Position both arms by the sides of the body. To regulate breathing patterns, slowly inhale and exhale for a few cycles. Then, while lifting both feet above, simultaneously raise your upper body off the ground.

Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Extend both hands directly forward, between the body and the knees. Stay in this boat-like position for at least 5 minutes to improve muscle flexibility and balance. Exhale and relax the body, bringing it back to the ground gradually. Increase the time you hold the boat pose from 5 minutes to 20 minutes while practicing Naukasana on a regular basis.

Precautions for Naukasana (Boat Pose)

  • Avoid pushing your body to its limitations, as this might lead to back pain or damage.

  • This asana should be avoided during periods, or at least the first two days of each month's menstrual cycle.

6. Setubandhasana

Begin by lying on your back.

Fold your knees and place your feet on the floor, hip distance apart, 10-12 inches from your pelvis, knees and ankles straight.

Keep your arms next to your body, palms down.

Setubandhasana for sexual health

Slowly elevate your lower back, middle back, and upper back off the floor while inhaling; softly roll in the shoulders; touch the chest to the chin without lowering the chin down; and support your weight with your shoulders, arms, and feet. In this stance, feel your bottom firm up. Both thighs are parallel to the floor and to each other.

If you want to lift your body even higher, interlace your fingers and push your hands on the floor, or support your back with your palms.

Maintain a relaxed breathing pattern.

Exhale as you gently relinquish the pose after a minute or two of holding it.

Precautions for Setubandhasana

  • If you have neck problems, you should avoid doing this pose.

  • It should be avoided if you have a back injury.

  • If you have knee pain, skip the yoga pose.

  • If you have a shoulder injury, stay away from it.

  • While in the stance, avoid turning your head right or left.

Because so many yoga poses are beneficial to sexual health, you can find a yoga style that works for you, ranging from Iyengar or basic hatha to gentle restorative yoga.

Yoga classes are available at gyms, YMCAs, hospitals, and community centers, in addition to yoga studios. Of course, if you haven't exercised in a while, consult your doctor before beginning a yoga Programme.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

yoga for sexual wellness



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