When you have painful menstrual cramps, you may be desperate for a solution. Doing something physical, such as yoga, may be the last thing on your mind.
Some yoga positions, on the other hand, are so effective at relieving menstrual pain that once you try them, they will most likely become a part of your pain management routine!
Patanjali Japan Foundation's Yoga Teachers encourage patients to try yoga. Exercise in general is a great way to relieve period pain, and yoga is one of the best options!
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Let’s Talk About Yoga for Menstrual Cramps
Yoga is an effective pain-relief strategy for menstrual cramps.
Consider the areas of your body that typically experience cramping pain: your belly, pelvis, hips, and lower back. Certain yoga poses can be used to target these areas for pain relief.
Yoga can also help with the emotional symptoms of PMS and menstruation, so it can do more than just treat period pain.
There are numerous yoga schools to choose from, as well as numerous poses and variations. Starting from scratch can be a little daunting! We want you to be able to use yoga to treat your menstrual cramps whether you have a lot of yoga experience or none at all.
Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.
5 Yoga Poses to Help With Menstrual Cramps
Yoga Position # 1: Adapted Child’s Pose
Even for less experienced practitioners or those who are new to yoga, child's pose is one of the most familiar yoga poses. This pose is designed to alleviate menstrual pain, which is most commonly felt in the lower back.
Begin with your knees on the floor for child's pose. We call this a "adapted" child's pose because you may want to widen your knees wider than usual for this pose to help with pain relief.
Fold forward, extend your arms, and bend down as far as your body will allow. Lean your forehead on the mat in front of you for five slow, diaphragmatic breaths, or breaths taken from your belly rather than your chest.
You can also slowly turn your head from one side to the other, counting five breaths before switching sides.
You'll want to relax your hips and gradually stretch those lower back muscles.

Precautions For Adapted Child’s Pose
If you have a knee injury, avoid Child's Pose. Spread your legs wider if you're pregnant, and avoid pressing your stomach against your thighs. If you have a shoulder injury, keep your arms by your sides for the most support.
If you feel any discomfort, ease out of the pose.
Yoga Position # 2: Cat-Cow
Cat-cow is a two-part pose that works not only your back muscles but also your abdominal muscles.
Begin with the cow pose. Check that your hands are aligned under your shoulders while on your hands and knees. Your knees should be directly beneath your hips. As you breathe in, gently stretch your head upwards, gazing at the sky. Simultaneously, raise your tailbone to the sky and lower your belly to the ground.
It's time to switch to the cat pose. For a few breaths, breathe normally. Then, after a deep inhalation, slowly exhale and curl your back. Both your head and tailbone will sag towards the ground.
The gentle arch of your spine will warm your back muscles while stretching and toning your abs.
Exhale when doing the cat pose and inhale when doing the cow pose. To help relieve your pain, repeat 5 to 20 times.

Precautions For Cat-Cow
Allow the tops of your feet to rest on the floor.
Tuck your tailbone and tip your pelvis forward. Allow this action to move up your spine once more. Your spine will naturally round as a result of this.
Draw your navel inwards toward your spine.
Take a step back.
Bring your attention to your navel.
Yoga Position # 3: Reclining Twist
The reclining twist position will benefit both your lower back and lower belly.
To begin, lie flat on your back. Lower your left knee to the right side by bending it. Look to the left and spread your arms wide, palms flat against the ground. You'll want to take five or more deep breaths here.
Return your left leg to the ground and repeat the pose with your right leg bent to the right. This pose should relieve tension in your back, hips, and shoulders. Rep 5–10 times on each side.

Precautions For Reclining Twist
If you have a recent or ongoing knee, hip, or back injury, avoid this pose. This pose should not cause any discomfort. If you feel any pain in your back or knee, slowly exit the pose.
Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.
Yoga position # 4: Pigeon Pose
To begin, sit upright in a comfortable position. Extend your left leg behind you while bending your right knee. Place your hands on your hips and arch your back. Reach your arms over your head and bring your hands together for a more intense stretch.
Place yourself on all fours. Bring your right knee forward toward your right wrist, and extend your right ankle to meet your left hip. Slide your leg back slowly. You may need to keep your hands on the ground for balance, depending on your flexibility.
As your leg extends back, you will feel stretching in your left hip and possibly along your right side, but it should not be painful. If the pose is painful, you may need to modify it.
Hold for a few breaths before returning to the centre and repeating the pose with your right leg outstretched behind you and your left knee bent. Repeat 5–10 times more.

Precautions For Pigeon Pose
Avoid this pose if you have any knee injury or hip issues.6 You should not feel any stress on the knee. You will feel rotation of your femur in the hip socket and a great stretch along the front of the hip, but it should not be painful.
Yoga Position # 5: Corpse Pose
This is a common ending pose for yoga classes, and it can be especially beneficial in the practise of mindfulness to alleviate menstrual pain. This one is more about relaxing or focusing your mind than it is about stretching your body.
Savasana is another name for corpse pose. Lie flat on your back with your palms facing up. Slowly relax your entire body, beginning with your head, then your neck, shoulders, spine, arms and hands, thighs, calves, ankles, and finally your feet.

Precautions For Corpse Pose
Avoid moving your body while in Savasana because it will disrupt the practise and feed your distractions.
Make sure you're working on a hard, flat surface.
Experiment with this in a setting that is quiet and relaxing.
Meditative breathing will assist you in focusing your attention on something other than your period pain. The best time to practice diaphragmatic breathing is in corpse pose (or belly breathing). Avoid quick, shallow breathing by taking long, deep, and controlled breaths.
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