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5 Easy Yoga Poses & Pranayama For High Blood Pressure & Hypertension



High blood pressure is a condition that has no symptoms but can put you at risk of developing heart disease. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, should not be ignored. Patients with high blood pressure are at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

5 Easy Yoga Poses & Pranayama For High Blood Pressure & Hypertension

Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, obesity, smoking, stress, family history, and other factors can all contribute to high blood pressure. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you keep your blood pressure under control. Yoga is another natural and safe way to control hypertension.

Yoga is an ancient method of staying fit that can help you with a variety of health issues. Everyone is looking for which asana is helpful in maintaining normal blood pressure or best pranayama for high blood pressure ? Below we will walk you through one by one.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

Yoga For High Blood Pressure Control

High blood pressure: Yoga asanas to control hypertension

1. Child pose or Balasana or shashakasana

Hypertension patients can benefit from the child pose. It can provide relief from a variety of factors that contribute to high blood pressure. This asana relieves stress while also improving blood circulation throughout the body.

Controlled breathing while performing this asana promotes relaxation and relieves stress in the neck and shoulders.

Child pose or Balasana for high blood pressure

Precautions For Child pose or Balasana or Shashakasana

Before you come to this asana, make sure you're dressed comfortably. Because this asana puts a lot of strain on your stomach, a Diarrhea patient may have negative side effects. As a result, if you have diarrhoea, you should avoid doing Balasana.

2. Sukhasana or easy pose

It is a popular yoga asana for breathing control. This pose relieves high blood pressure by promoting a calm mind and reducing stress. A calm mind promotes physical health. This asana stretches the back and neck as well. It will also improve your body's posture.

Sukhasana or easy pose for high blood pressure

Precautions For Sukhasana or Easy Pose

  • In the event of a knee injury, this should not be done.

  • If you have sciatica, stay away from it.

  • It's also not a good idea to do it if you have a sacral condition.

  • It should not be done if you have a slipped disc.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

Yoga For High Blood Pressure Control

3. Shavasana

Shavasana, also known as corpse pose, is a complete relaxation pose. This is one of the simplest poses to try if you want to lower your blood pressure. Shavasana soothes the mind, relieves stress, relaxes the body, and alleviates headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.

All of these are risk factors for high blood pressure. Shavasana lowers blood pressure by controlling these factors.

Shavasana for high blood pressure

Precautions For Shavasana

  • While in Savasana, avoid moving your body because it will disrupt the practise and increase your distractions.

  • Make sure you're doing it on a flat, hard surface.

  • This should be done in a setting that is both calm and relaxing.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Cobra pose, also known as Bhujangasana, aids in the circulation of blood and oxygen. This pose also helps to relieve stress and improves heart health. This pose will give you more flexibility. Asthmatics may benefit from the cobra pose as well.

4. Cobra pose for high bllod pressure control

Precautions For Bhujangasana

  • Don't hold your body in a stiff position.

  • It should not be done by pregnant ladies.

  • Don't put too much pressure on yourself to practise it.

  • Because your buttocks tend to tense up naturally during Cobra stance, keep them loose.

  • Make sure your arms aren't straight.

5. Setubandhasana (Bridge pose)

Bridge pose also helps to control blood pressure. It relaxes the mind and relieves stress. This asana is also beneficial in the treatment of mild depression. Bridge pose is beneficial for abdominal organs, lungs, menstrual pain, fatigue, headache, and anxiety, in addition to high blood pressure.

Precautions For Setubandhasana

  • If you have neck problems, you should avoid doing this pose.

  • It should be avoided if you have a back injury.

  • If you have knee pain, skip the yoga pose.

  • If you have a shoulder injury, stay away from it.

  • While in the stance, avoid turning your head right or left.

High blood pressure: Pranayama to control hypertension

All of the mind's attention is focused on the breathing cycle while performing a pranayama. Healing energy is transferred to every part of the body at the same time. The calming effect of exercise reduces mental stress and helps to regulate high blood pressure. There are various types of pranayama that can both energies and cool your body.

1. Chandrabhedan Pranayama

This yoga stance has numerous health benefits. It has a cooling effect and reduces blood pressure, acidity, and heartburn symptoms.

Chandrabhedan Pranayama to control high blood pressure

Precautions For Chandrabhedan Pranayama

  • Suryabhedi Pranayama and Chandra Bhedi Pranayama are diametrically opposed. As a result, only practice for one day.

  • It is not permitted during the winter months.

  • Patients with low blood pressure, asthma, or phlegm should avoid doing this pranayama.

2. Sheetali Pranayama

Sheetali Pranayama has the most calming effect of any yoga practice. It can significantly reduce body heat and calm the mind. It lowers blood pressure by treating tonsillitis, indigestion, and eye or skin irritation.

. Sheetali Pranayama for high blood pressure

Precautions For Sheetali Pranayama

  • People with low blood pressure should be cautious because this pranayama lowers it even further.

  • People may get a cold sensation in their throat and a tingling sensation, but this is totally normal.

  • There is a possibility of experiencing dizziness.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

Yoga For High Blood Pressure Control

3. Anulom Vilom Pranayama

It is the most well-known type of pranayama and has numerous benefits. It directly heals the nervous system and increases the capacity of the lungs to absorb air. As a result, it can effectively treat hypertension, depression, migraine, asthma, and other conditions.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama For high blood pressure

Precautions For Anulom Vilom Pranayama

  • Initially, practice anulom-vilom without holding your breath for at least 3-4 months.

  • Maintain a 1:2:2 breathing, holding breath, and exhaling ratio in the beginning.

  • Do not firmly hold your breath.

  • While doing this asana, keep your body steady.

  • Gradually extend the time of the asana.

4. Udgeeth Pranayama

The main advantage of this pranayama is improved mental health. Individuals who practice udgeeth breathing exercises on a regular basis can improve their concentration, mental stability, and sleep-wake cycle. Because it treats anxiety, it can also treat hypertension and poor memory.

4. Udgeeth Pranayama for high blood pressure

Precautions For Udgeeth Pranayama

  • It's best to do this on an empty stomach.

  • Pregnant ladies should not engage in this activity.

  • The process of inhaling and exhaling should be slow and smooth.

  • There must be a 5-hour delay between eating and doing this pranayama.

  • It is preferable to practise outside in the open air.

5. Bhramari Pranayama

This exercise can help with a variety of throat and vocal chord issues, such as voice quality. However, it also relaxes the nerves and improves concentration. As a result, it can significantly reduce stress and hypertension.

5. Bhramari Pranayama For high blood pressure

Precautions For Bhramari Pranayama

  • Do it on an empty stomach at all times.

  • Do not insert your finger into the ear canal; instead, use cartilage.

  • Make the humming sound with your mouth closed.

  • Avoid putting pressure on your face.

  • Do no more than three to four repetitions.

  • Don't squish the cartilage too hard; instead, be soft.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

Yoga For High Blood Pressure Control


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